A Contact Lens Fitting requires our Doctors to obtain particular measurements of the curvature of the front surface of your eye.
Other factors that are considered for a potential contact lens wearer are how dry your eyes are and how healthy your corneas are, These aspects are evaluated during the routine eye exam.
A contact lens fitting includes the following services provided by our doctors and optometric technicians:
- Assessment of visual needs and expectations
- Evaluation and determination of prescription and eye health in regard to contact lens wear
- Diagnostic trial lens fitting
- Insertion, removal, handling, and care of contact lenses training
- Follow-up examinations to fine tune vision concerns and/or fit of the contact lenses
The goal of contact lens fitting is to find the most appropriate contact lens for best vision and comfort. There are many different types, styles, materials, sizes and colors of contacts available for our doctors to work with. The staff at Patterson Optical are committed to taking the time and effort to fit you properly. Some patients need only one fitting appointment, and some will require several appointments. It is our experience that the extra time, effort and patience are very worthwhile, both for your complete satisfaction and for the health of your eyes.
At Patterson Optical, we carry a wide variety of contact lenses. We specialize in fitting all types of contact lens modalities which include:
- Single vision
- Toric (astigmatism)
- Multifocal
- Monovision
- Rigid Gas Permeable contact lenses
- Specialty contact lenses for irregular corneas (such as keratoconus)

Insertion and Removal Training
First time contact lens wearers will need to be instructed on the proper handling and care of contact lenses. During this one-on-one training, patients are taught how to insert, remove, clean and care for their contact lenses. The session may take up to an hour, depending on how quickly the patient becomes comfortable with insertion and removal of the lenses.